Thursday, January 7, 2010

Looking back and looking forward

How weird is it that we have entered a new decade? I don't know about you, but it feels like last week was just the year 2000. Anyways, happy 2010! Hope you rang in the new year well, as well as had an excellent Christmas break. I'd show pictures I took during the holiday, but I conveniently forgot the USB cord that would connect my camera to my computer at home! So I apologize in advance for the lack of new pictures for the next while. When I'm back home for reading week in 6 weeks(!), I shall update you on the sights I have come across... Even if the Christmas ones are a bit out of season.

I was just thinking about "last year"--it was certainly one that brought around change. One of the highlights was when I moved into a new place with friends in September--a bigger step for me in gaining independence away from home.

Another highlight was when I traveled outside the country for the first time in a couple of years--that was exciting! I learned much more about historical Italy than I did the last time I was there, and it was nice to see the familiar sights I remember seeing the first time.

Other highlights that come to mind are from movies and books. I read The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls this summer, and I found it to be one of the best books I've ever come across. It's just so inspiring! Another good one was The Time Traveler's Wife; another really great read that will get you thinking. And then of course in movies, Benjamin Button. I know, I know, I've brought this up before (what is it, three times now?), but like I've said, I think it's one of the most profound movies I've seen in a while. And then there was Les Choristes. All I can say is, wow--more moving than inspiring, but through and through, the music in the film is gorgeous. For some reason, I signify Les Avions En Papier with the spring time and the end of school... Probably because that's when I first saw it. But really... Go see this movie.

I think it was also a year of quotations for me; Betsey from Una Bella Vita introduced me to some of the nicest! My current favourite would be "Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."
- Leo Buscaglia

Now, my hopes for 2010? Let's see... I don't really make resolutions, but it's fun to have potential hopes/plans for the year:

-Find a summer job (but that's my hope every year)
-To not miss an episode of LOST this last, last season. Ever!
-To speak my mind more often (as I can be a bit shy...)
-Pass my exams this year (haven't failed any yet, but still...)
-See the new Doctor Who series in the spring! My new tv show, as of late. Still getting through the David Tennant era--the guy is incredible, but I think Matt Smith (the new Doc) has a lot of potential, and will be great. Can't wait to start watching!
-To wear more dresses and skirts! They've been very appealing to me for some time now.
-To compliment others more frequently
-Do something adventurous

What would you like to accomplish this year?

Hope all is well with you!

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