Friday, June 10, 2011

Thoughts on a Friday to breeze me into the Weekend


-We made it to Friday!
-Not sure if food should be an option right now.
-But if I'm hungry....
-May as well.
-Bring on the bagels and cream cheese!
-Apparently I really stink at playing RST.
-A game in which you start with a word (like cake) and someone else comes up with another word that is relevant to it (like fork).
-However, the words can't start with R, S, or T--this is what brought me to my demise.
-It is times like these I wish I had more wit.
-On the bus the other day, a young girl with her mom and slightly older brother were sitting a few seats over.
-The two of them were adorable, but the little one was a ham!! She was wearing a cap on backwards; she would turn it around on her head and cover her face with it, then whip it off as if she were about to take a bow. Of course being a little kid, she was looking for the attention. I decided to humour her and subtly make some funny faces for her (as subtle as one can be while surrounded by other people on the bus).
-She seemed to like it!
-Ahh, a list of people's top ten favourite words.
-Ok, how about a list of people's least favourite words??
-Finally getting a new pair of glasses!
-They're black out the outside, ivory on the inside.
-I don't know how I came across this, but I like it.
-I wish I could be that dramatic and sing out my problems in everyday life.
-Much like wanting to go around speaking in a foreign accent to see how strangers take it.
-Aw, I want to do my nails like this!
-I am very 'wanty' today.
-Would you like some cheese to go with that whine???
-I tend to use that when others complain.
-There was a hawk in the front yard earlier this week, and I missed it because I was upstairs.
-There were also ducks in the pool about a month ago, and I missed that too because I was out of the house.
-But then again, I saw a chipmunk by the bird feeder, and chipmunks are rare in this neck of the woods.
On that offbeat note, now would be a good time to swing out of here. Enjoy the weekend!

From here, and here


Anonymous said...

Growing Pains is an awesome show! Go you! I used to stay up until 3 in the morning, waiting for it to air on Nick at Nite.

I have an affinity for bagels. Mmm, I could go for one right now. I really want to try an authentic New York bagel. I also love cream cheese, but I don't think it counts as a food. Or, does it?

Hehe, I had fun playing RST with you over MSN. I would be lying, though, if I said it wasn't a game of wit. My speech teacher makes us play it to "develop our quick thinking skills". Meh.

I wish I had a Scottish accent.

Haha, the word verication is 'salsa'. XD

Anonymous said...


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