Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday Shenanigans

From here


-I can't believe it's already August.
-What happened to June?
-Before we know it, it will be September, then October, then... I shall not go on.
-Shit, I'll be 22 in a little over a month.
-The very idea is jarring.
-Even more so than when I was on the brink of turning 20.
-22 seems like such an awkward age.
-The highlight of my day came yesterday afternoon when I was walking by some open grassy area on campus; the was a hedge in the middle, and as I was passing, this little boy was running around and he found a gap under the hedge that he could crawl through to the other side. Or thought he could, anyway. I kept turning around to look at him to see if he would come out the other side, but he didn't, and I could only see the bush rustling! There were other people walking around who were witness to this, and one guy in particular going opposite my way was watching him too, and grinning. As we passed, we kind of looked at each other and just kind of laughed at this kid. It was just a really funny moment.
-How awesome is it to connect like that with a stranger?
-I found this the other day through Cup of Jo, and now I really want to try this with the next little girl I meet.
-I love the eighties and its paraphenalia.
-I was so close hanging around with it before 1990.
-Out of nowhere I started watching Atlantis: The Lost Empire, and suddenly my adoration for Michael J. Fox has be re-ignited. (Speaking of which, the first pic up there is from Back to the Future I)
-Not to mention that movie is actually hilarious, and wonderfully dark in comparison to most of the Disney movies I've seen.
-And surprisingly adult in its humour! I love it.
-Just another week of school.
-Then exams.
-Then... That's it.
-I would have never thought I'd be spending this summer in school.
-I thought I would be working at this point and making cash.
-"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it"
-Darn right it does, Ferris.
-Iced coffee.
-Iced Caramel Macchiato.
 -"Hello! I must be going! I cannot stay, I came to say I must be going. I'm glad I came, but just the same, I must be goiiing!"
-In my case, back to essay writing.
La la!

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