Friday, September 16, 2011

Thoughts on a Friday

From here
-Back and forth, back and forth, and always in groups.
-I love watching the sparrows flitting around in the backyard; they are so darn cute.
-More often than not you can see them peeking out of the bushes, before darting out to the feeders.
-My my, the adventures they must have.
-Good enough for a children's story.
-Today, I finally did it: got my driver's knowledge test done!!!
-Before I know it, I will be tootin' around on my own in a new car.
-That is, after I have saved up enough money.
-I wish more men dressed like Don Draper.
-The world would be a so much more handsome place.
-What's this? blackberry messenger has crashed?? Bulls***!
-Actually, this scene expresses the situation, as well as my emotions perfectly.
-I want cheese.
-Or cake.
-Cheese cake?
-Mmm, yes please.
-The weather right now is perfect: September at its finest.
-I love you fall, but I will miss Mr. Sun sticking around in the evenings greatly.
-Shining through the trees, carried on the breeze, leaking through the shutters, warming up my knees...
-Cheese... You have won.
-This weekend, I will be taking dance class again! Can't wait.
-My passion for life, to quote that phogna-bologna soap opera.
-Plie, strech; plie, stretch...
-Let it begin.
From here

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