Friday, February 3, 2012

Thoughts on a Friday



-Steady as she goes.
-My hands feel dry.
-And my moisturizer is elsewhere. 
-Enter the month of love and chocolate.
-I feel like I should just get myself and get a box of Godiva chocolate for this month.
-Just because. 
-C'est la vie.
-Oh no, not that song again.
-I did a jazz dance to that song once when I was about ten, and we had to wear these garish neon green two piece outfits.
-To this day, I would not wear something that showed my belly like that costume did.
-But then again, why would they ever want to bring that back?
-Curse you, fashions of the 00's!
-Ah, even at the turn of the century there were some god-awful trends going on.
-Holy hot chocolate, the campy-ness of that video.
-The hair.
-The dancing.
-The crowds before them.
-The lyrics...
-But then again, you don't hear too many positive lyrics that nowadays.
-Ever wondered where those kiddies are now? I did.
-Oh man, and those puffed vests.
-And bell bottom jeans.
-And those butterfly hair clips.
-I admit it. I had some.
-Those light up yo-yos. Haha.
-God zooks, by the time my future kids get big, it will be an entirely different world from when I grew up.
-Will everything be virtual?
-Yo-yos will be a novelty.
-Pogs (remember those?) will be unheard of. 
-Our grandkids will ask us, "what did you play with when you were kids?"
-And I will answer "POGS. Not that you would know what they were."
-Minus that snooty ending remark.
-I want to visit Russia.
-Beautiful and snowy.
-Speaking of Russia, I give this girl major props, whose about to graduate this year from the Bolshoi Academy of Dance.
From here, here

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