Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday in the Pink“great-gatsby”-to-bring-back-20s-glam

-Home Again! As of yesterday.
-What an exciting few days.
-Well, almost, because it did have its dull moments.
-Its? It's?
-I am gramatically correct.
-Buying Birthday Cake flavoured tea was probably the best decision I've made this week.
-Yes, you read that correctly.
-Second to that is Strawberry Shortcake Tea.
-Want to know my third great decision? Cupcakes.
-Can't go wrong with a lemon flavoured one.
-That is, unless you don't like lemon.
-Speaking of cake, I like this idea.
-Almost reminds me of Christmas.
-My god, there's that horrible reminder that I've eaten crap all week.
-Definitely not something I'm proud of.
-Or should I be?
-Now I'm on a cleanse.
-A bad example of a cleanse.
-Which in fact, is probably not a cleanse at all.
-I saw the trailer the other day, but when I saw that it was directed by Baz Lurman, my first thought was that it was probably going to be strange.
-Hopefully not as strange as Moulin Rouge.
-Would that be something that Leo, Carey and Tobey would go for??
-I guess so, as it's F. Scott Fitzgerald.
-I'll have to add that to my things to read list.

A mother and baby beluga swimming in the water.

-How I adore them.
-How did I go from the Great Gatsby to belugas?
-Reminds me of this.
-Ooh! And more mariachi-beluga fun times.
-I can't figure out my font.
-Sometimes blogger can be a mystery unto itself.
-Complex, like if sudoku and algebra made a baby.
-If you've seen that Leon's commercial, you'll know what I'm talking about.
-Lusty month of May.
-Honestly, I just googled it to confirm where that quote came from (Le Morte D'Arthur, which I studied in my second year of uni, btw), and that's what I found.
-So naturally, I added it here.
-Medieval times meet... 1960s hippy culture.

A nice catchy song for your Friday!

From here, here

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