Sunday, September 9, 2012

Thoughts on a Sunday Evening

-And the sun was shining today.
-Though yesterday it looked like it could rain forever.
-But then again, it could rain.
-The rain in Spain is mainly in the pla-ain!
-I believe today was one of the first quintessential fall days.
-Even though it's still summer, technically.
-You know how each month has its own smell?
-My nose has been dripping all weekend.
-Not because I have a cold, but because something is making my eye water and the stuff that doesn't runneth over my eye lid drips down through my nose.
-Which in turn, makes my eye water again.
-What sort of fuckery is this?
-I have a fondness for saying that.
-If I haven't caught I cold yet, I probably will now.
-Better late than never, I say.
-How have I not tried a Pumpkin Spiced Latte?
-I'm sure it's good.
-Could it trump my ultimate Starbucks fav, the Peppermint Mocha??
-Hmm. Difficult to say, will have to try the first... First.
-I doubt it.
-Will also have to try making a pumpkin bread this season.
-I prefer saying bread, as opposed to loaf.
-Maybe because I think of loaf, as in meat.
-Remember when loafting was a common term?
-So was sick.
-As in, "that movie was so sick."
-Um, no.
-Unless your actually sick with something, no matter how cool said-subject is, THAT TERM SHOULD NOT BE EXCEPTABLE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE BECAUSE IT IS OUT OF CONTEXT.
-How was it even popularized in the first place?
-I heard it all the way through grade twelve, and loathed it.
-Next time I hear it pass someone's lips, I'd like to throttle them.
-But obviously, I won't.
-There is a chill in the air.
-Time to put the fire place on!
-Or not.
-A few weeks ago I was using my water bottle in bed (it was a cool night) and a tiny hole started spurting water under my covers.
-I would have thought I peed myself if it weren't scalding.
-What a pleasant surprise that was.
-Tick tock.
-That Whatcha Waiting For vid remains cool to his day.
 -Alice in Wonda-laaaaand!

Only here would you find a peculiar interest in silent film clips of bumbling police officers... 

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