Friday, July 6, 2012

Thoughts on a Sizzling Friday

sand castle

-Blimey, it's a scorcher out there.
-I think I liked it better when it was winter.
-Though I do enjoy the swimming bit.
-According to the weather man.
-Everyone loves Marine Land?
-Me, not so much.
-Especially your advertisements.
-Particularly, your advertisements.
-I pity your animals.
-Kept in a watery prison.
-Visited and touched every day during the summer by grubby little human hands.
-I hope it's cooler tomorrow.
-I really love looking at Historiful.
-My new tumblr go-to.
-"You're like a drug to me".
-"My own personal brand of heroine".
-Oh, how that line kills me.
-I think about it as much as I think about Zoolander quotes.
-One must never disturb the Beast while it sleeps in its den.
-The Beast=my dog.
-One of them, that is.
-Then the other dog deliberately goes to disturb him.
-That's just the way it works in this house.
-*gasp* Naveen Andrews!!
-In Sinbad!!
-Oh my goodness, I must start watching this show immediately when it airs.
-How I miss Lost, and all it's wibbly wobbly, timey-wimey, spacey-wacey plots.
-Those characters are timeless.
-Except for Kate.
-I never liked Kate much.
-I still wish Boone hadn't died.
-"Kate! We have to go back!"
-Who would have guessed that line would be so priceless later on?
-And completely imitatable?
-I can just hear his drunken voice in my head.
-I think I did, though I didn't necessarily guess it right away...
-Oh god, that really fake beard.
-How awful.
-I can only imagine that it was itchy to wear for Matthew Fox.
-So says Hurley.
-My train of thought looks like an extended haiku.
-Only it looks weird.

They should have played this song in the rolling credits of The Beach... Even though it's not technically set in Bangkok.

From here

1 comment:

Darth Schroeder said...

Bleh, be glad you don't live in Arizona! It's TERRIBLE here! Although it is a dry heat so I shouldn't be complaining too much...

Anyways, I like how you organize your blog in lists, definitely something I can relate to. :) I also love the vintage photographs.

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