Friday, July 13, 2012

Thoughts on, yet another, scorching Friday

-A good day for popsicles.
-Any kind of popsicle.
-Except for the blue kind.
-I can't stand getting a blue tongue.
-There is nothing more pleasantly appealing to the eye than swirly gelato behind the glass.
-Oooh, is that chocolate caramel in there??
-My favourite would be mint chip.
-My least favourite... Strawberry.
-Don't believe those ice cream flavour personality tests for a second!
-Those things don't make no sense.
-How does one start with their first tweet?
-After... Three months of having it?
-I am at a loss for words.
-I can't believe the 90s were twenty years ago.
-When I see movies dating in the 00's, it was so recent.
-Nowadays, the 90s were a phenom.
-Those once upon a time babies are teenagers today.
-It's always fun watching old movies and seeing an actor you suddenly recognize, in a movie you never knew they were in before til now.
-Such thrill.
-I learned the other day that there was a Huron settlement outside of Toronto that's about the size of Manhattan.
-What ho!
-"Like sand slipping through the hour glass, so are the days of our lives."
-So are the days of my life!
-Where oh where does the week go?
-One second it's Monday, then I turn around and it's Friday afternoon.
-Crazy days.
-This heat's making me crazy.
-I can't even spell properly.
-Though you'd never know it.
-"But now the forbidden fruit must be tasted!"
-After whatshername's Nic Cage email debacle, I've checked out her tumblr, and it just makes me laugh.
-What insane place does she get her ideas from?
-From other tumblrs, I'm guessing.
-And oh my god, what did I just watch?
-Once seen, never unseen.
-Those of you who love Harry Potter... Viewer discretion is advised.
-I profoundly apologize in advance.

Apparently Tom Hulce, who starred as Mozart, had no previous musical training. 

From herehere

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