Friday, July 17, 2009

Things that made my Week

-Watching baby sparrows grow and gain independence. Around my neighborhood, the sparrows are making babies like crazy (they apparently make families 2-3 times during mating season), and the majority of them it seems come to our backyard for our seed and bits of bread. The babies are crazy cute, just sitting all plump and impatient, waiting for Mom or Dad to feed them. Could waste half the day just watching them!

-A new perfume from Sephora! Grace, by Philosophy. I've always loved its scent; in fact, it's the first perfume I've gotten in a while that I truly love to have on. Folks, I think I've found my signature scent at last :) Another one I really liked was Falling in Love. But another time...

-Dan in Real Life. Saw it for the first time last Friday night, and I thought it was a cute movie. There were a few things I didn't quite like about it (such as the attitude of the two elder daughters), but I overlooked that, and I sort of wish I could get away to a place like that with my family and have that much fun. Also, the soundtrack is fantastic.

-Coming across Halloween and Christmas magazines from Martha Stewart. Which reminds me that it is now only half a year away. What is it about this time in the summer that makes me think of the Christmas season?? Terrible, I know--but deliciously terrible. Heheh.

Now that I've humoured you with a familiar Christmas image, let's move on, shall we?

-An incredible video starring Fred Astaire and Cyd Charisse, entitled Smooth Criminal, the song by MJ. It's awesome, awesome, awesome, and the scene fits wonderfully with his music. I could watch it over and over without getting tired of it.

-A NEW DRESS! That's always exciting. Very cute and summery, from Urban Outfitters. Now if only it would warm up a teensy bit more outside...

-Jumanji; I watched it a few nights ago on AMC, and it just brings me back to my lost childhood in the 90s. So does Honey, we Shrunk Ourselves. I now ask you this: what's your favourite 90s movie??

-Introducing the Badass of the Week.

-And finally, a really fantastic crepe I had for lunch one day when I went down to the Market. It had egg, spinach, mushroom and cheddar cheese on it, and it was FABULOUS.

That's all for now, dear readers! Stay well :)

1 comment:

Clara said...

oh, your so lucky about those sparrows! we had some baby birds in our yard earlier in the year, it was so fasinating to watch them grow. and thanks for your comment!

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