Monday, April 19, 2010


So glad I'm done school at last! The past few weeks have been insane; endless assignments and things to study for. Other than tending to those, I've been throwing myself into dance, summer job hunting, organizing stuff for the big end of the year move around in our flat, Lost, and so forth. It even included a couple of really late-nighters, which resulted in slow movement, higher consumption of caffeine beverages and cracking up at the weirdest things.

And speaking of Lost/things that made me crack up, I recently discovered this little gem courtesy of Michael Emerson; it's been around for a while now, but my goodness it is hilarious.

Image belongs to DoctorWhotv

Just last Saturday, series five of Doctor Who premiered here in Canada and I was absolutely thrilled--I've been waiting for it! And the first episode was really good, Matt Smith fit right in. On Easter weekend, knowing it had already premiered in the UK made it rather difficult; however, my Mom's Easter package kept me tied over... Thank goodness for chocolate.

And now that I have time to actually read for pleasure, here are a few of what I'm working on. Amelia Earheart, from what I've read, had a remarkable life; I think if there were any female role model to look up to, it would be her.

Now that I think of it, one other fascinating woman I read about recently was Isadora Duncan in her auto biography, and that came about via my theatre paper about butoh and modern dance; she developed modern dance as a way to defy the formality of structure in ballet. Fascinating stuff.
Also, I finally got my Italy pictures developed! All three hundred and something, coming in four thick envelopes. It was rather pricey, but the finished results were worth it. Seeing them only on the computer didn't do them justice. Can't wait to frame some of them, and album the rest!

Weather here has been... Gross. First came the cooler temperatures, then rain, and to top it off, snow. I felt bad for the flowers who had to put up with it. Hopefully spring will return soon and I can venture outdoors more frequently. Until then, I wait patiently. Sort of.

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