Friday, August 26, 2011

Thoughts on a Friday

From here
-This past Monday, Canada lost a truly remarkable figure.
-As somebody else said, "the greatest PM we never had".
-That's so true. He had such vision for changing the country for the better, and a great sense of humor.
-He really could have become PM.
-I never heard of a leader that earned so much respect from the public in life, and even more so in death. 
-I think pretty much everyone liked him, whether they voted for him or not.
-I wish I had met him.
-Until this year, I was crossing paths with politicians.
-Starting with Jean Chretien in 2008, when I was heading back to Halifax after reading week.
-He was waiting in the airport lounge, not doing much.
-I was sitting a few seats over, otherwise I probably would have taken his picture. 
-Which would have been a not so subtle move.
-"Say poutine!!"
-And then he was sitting in the front of the plane, heading to Ottawa, which was the stop over, so I got an even closer view when I got.
-And of course, I was sitting about eight seats behind.
-Then there was Elizabeth May, as part a sustainability conference (which included Jian Ghomeshi and Raffi!!!).
-She made a nice diss about the male politicians she was up against, which made the audience laugh and go "ooooohhh".
-My next crossing was with Michael Ignatieff, when he came visiting Dal for a chat with the students.
-While waiting in line at the Tim Horton's in the SUB building, I saw him head into the building with his entourage and upstairs.
-This year I was hoping I would cross paths with someone, but that sadly did not happen.
-Maybe next year?
-Or maybe tomorrow.

My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful, and optimistic. And we'll change the world.

Mr. Layton's letter can be read here

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