Friday, May 18, 2012

Thoughts on a Friday

-I'm baaaack.
-Long weekend up ahead.
-How lovely it is outside today.
-I can't wait for those warm summer days when I can hang my laundry out in the sun.
-But I like rainy days as much as sunny ones, of course.
-I get productive on those days.
-Apparently 20 (or was it 40?) percent of us are allergic to rainy days.
-Well, not so much allergic as much as getting into grumpy/depressive moods.
-Not so surprising, I guess.
-Grey skies does make one slightly more miserable than blue.
-As do wet sidewalks dotted with worms.
-And that smell!
-I wonder how much longer facebook will keep up?
-With all this CEO and shares/stock news that's going on.
-What could possibly outdo facebook virtually?
-I always figured I'd keep it going until at least reached my 30s.
black and white, cat, photography, vintage
-If it lasted that long, that is.
-But then again, all our personal stuff will still be out there.
-Damn you, Zuckerberg.
-Back in the day when you thought it was a good idea to just shut it down and forget about it (because it was friggin addictive), it was considered impressive.
-Especially if you went months and months and months.
-Kudos to those who have lasted that long. It is impressive.
-I did this the odd time, mainly during exams.
-For a few measly weeks.
-Then came back.
-Now when you say "I'mma quit facebook", it's just like, who are you trying to impress? Yourself?
-Sorry, those of you who intend to quit.
-Seeing the Bolshoi's Swan Lake tomorrow afternoon! (eat that Natalie Portman)
-Exciting stuff.
-That was a long rant about facebook.
-What kind of name is that anyway?
-A name for your face? Outside of a book? In a computer?
-Never mind.
-"They're in the computer??"
-It finally feels like May.
-Now all I need is to go swimming.
-And to get hired somewhere.
-That is my current blight.
-A sound remark for a sound occasion.
-I don't watch Grey's Anatomy, but I watched it last night.
-When did Grey's Anatomy turn into Lost?
-I wish they made some Lost references.
-Too light hearted for a serious situation, I guess.
-Oh well!
-I also watched Missing last night, and watched in amusement/shock as whatshername's son Michael lose his shit as to find his mother vanished from her car.
-What a funny turn of events.

While looking for Swan Lake clips, this made me laugh. 

From here, here

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