Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Victoria Day weekend schenanigans

I am house/teen-sitting. For my younger cousins, who's parents are in Vegas for a conference (which to me means they are lounging somewhere beside a pool in the hot Nevada sun). I've been here since Sunday morning, and while it has had it's dull moments during the days (not counting today or tomorrow), it has also had it's more interesting moments. I start on
Sunday afternoon/evening

As soon as the afternoon melted away into Sunday evening (after a few hours straight of watching enough of My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding and youtube vids* to make my eyes and ears burn), one of the girls and I decide to order some dinner. Pizza, to be precise. The older boy M* is down in the basement (he never leaves his video games); I learn from the older of the two girls that her brother is having some friends over (starting out with two, but then three more showing up, coming in through the basement door and only the basement door. I figured this out through the older of the two girls who was downstairs with them.) When asked what they wanted on their pizza (thankfully not by me), one of them says--wait for it--"women." Them being a bunch of horny seventeen year olds, I wasn't surprised by that answer. Though it still made me shake my head in wonder. So, I ordered them a bacon covered pizza to quell their fervent desire (and a pizza for ourselves).

The pizza eventually arrived within forty minutes, and one by one the boys emerged from the dungeons for their grub.

The big anticipation of the night, though, was the premiere of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. My youngest cousin looooves them; I don't know a thing/don't really care about them. But there I was, sitting and watching drama unfold in that great big mansion of theirs (mainly, paternity tests).

And about them boys... They didn't leave til late, and I think one or two of them slept over, because I came down the next morning to find a sleeping bag on the couch in the living room. I'm glad there was no one sleeping in it, because that would have been awkward-nass

The real awkward moment, however, came when M's math tutor showed up around 10:00, and I didn't know that he was supposed to come. Whoops! I kept him waiting outside a few minutes, unsure of what to do, other than make sure M got up. And when M came to the door to let in his tutor (named Gene, btw), I hear his tutor say to him, "were you up late partying last night???!" Ahh, tutors that know you far too well. And later on in the morning, another one of his friends emerge from the basement, asking where M was. Almighty. Then he went home when he learned the truth. 

The day was spent lounging, again, but I did manage to do my nails a bright coral colour, and without messing up (woo) because I didn't bring nail polish remover. After his tutoring, M (now clearly taking advantage of the fact his parents aren't home!) went out with his chums for the rest of the day. In the evening, there were fireworks (a la Victoria Day), which were cool. And loud. And we had take out again.

Kids back to school (this is now starting to sound like an online journal entry, baha), but today I ventured down town! A nice sunny day for wandering, though I heard it was supposed to rain. So far, that is not the case (wait a sec, are those clouds rolling in?). I bought a few items, including cupcakes! I worried the icing on them would melt from the sun by the time I got home, but they miraculously kept their swirly shapes. And I can't wait to try one later.

Now that leaves Wednesday, which is tomorrow (and when I go home). Hasn't happened yet obviously, but I don't know how interesting it will be compared to these past few days.  

Overall, it has been a refreshing change from life at home to live in another household, and away from the regulars and dogs. In fact, it is very unusual to not have dogs around, constantly barking and getting into trouble. As of tomorrow evening, that reality will come back and hit me in the face like a ton of bricks. Home sweet home!

And if you ever happen to sit for a bunch of teens... Be warned that one of them will probably will take advantage of the fact that they can basically do whatever while the parents are not here (when the measly older cousin is staying!). Score!

But right now... Doctor Phil is making me hungry, and it's for all the wrong reasons. Time for that cupcake.



from here here, here

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