Friday, July 20, 2012

Thoughts on a Friday


-I think I'm onto something.
-I think it's time to get productive.
-I think it's... Stalling for time.
-Sometimes when I look at pictures from another decade, it makes it seem like a creepy and uncertain time to live in.
-Other times I look at pictures and it seems fine and dandy in all its nostalgic purposes.
-If you think Johnny looks young up there, we're dealing with a case of Benjamin Button syndrome here.
-Yuh huh.
-And his S O.
-I'm all about celebrity youth today, it seems.
-How bout a young Tom Hanks?
-Damn right.
-I'm glad its cooler outside.
-Famous last words before the temperature spikes again.
-"As long as I continue to hear 'normal' people telling me I am too childish, I know I'm doing just fine."
-But soft! What light through yonder window breaks.
-I tend to use that phrase from time to time. Despite being severely out of context.
-Ah well.
-But soft! A dog barks.
-Make that two dogs.
-If only I tweeted as much I contributed my thoughts to this blog.
-That's ok, though, for what is twitter but a social media outlet?

-People would think I'm crazy, but crazy is what crazy do.
-Crazy in love, I'm a crazy foo'.

-I made my fist tweet the other day, and it was about this.
-Yeah, Shell! Let's ravage the arctic!
-As terrible as the prospect is, reading the captions make me laugh. Like this one.
-If you were to go incognito, what would your alias be?
-That would make a great post segment.
-My name would probably be Bette.
-Spelled with an 'e', never a 'y'.
-All the best Bettes are dramatic powerhouse divas.
-Something I should strive for.
-Bette Davis.
-Bette Midler.
-All the other Betty's I'm familiar with are those with 'y's in their names.
-Not that 'y's are bad.
-Ahh, donuts.
A lovely tribute in honour of Natalie Wood's birthday
From here and here

edit: I only learned after the fact that the Shell page I remarked about was indeed a joke, invented by an environmental group. Ah!

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

ROBERT REDFORD IS MY FAVORITE. I was glad to get to know that about Natalie Wood.

I'm gonna have to follow you on Twitter, miss!

I hope you are well.

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