Sunday, September 16, 2012

Thoughts on a Sunday Afternoon

-I may be starting to broadcast my thoughts on Sundays now.
-Not such a bad idea, though I like doing it on the Friday.
-The teasing is tender and trying and thoughtful.
-That sounds like a line in a poem.
-I guess it is, as it's Gertrude Stein.
-Out of all the poets I could have studied, she's the one whose work I keep coming back to.
-Her work is certainly... Something.
-There's nothing more annoying than connecting your camera to your computer, only to find that your pictures looked better on your camera screen than on your computer.
-My thoughts used to tumble out like popcorn, but now they come out like...
-Slow, and syrupy.
-And rather thick, heheh.
-I learned this past weekend that Agatha Christie wrote romance novels under a psyeudonim.
-Why could I not spell that?
-Nowadays, when you want to look up the spelling of a word, all you have to do is type it in on google and it will do the work for you.
-Remember Google Mystery??
-That was a lot of fun.
-People googled the strangest things.
-I was happy to come across this.
-The sad thing is, I've become one of those people.
-I didn't see the appeal at first, other than the costumes, but it drew me in.
-That's ok, though.
-At least I can wait patiently til January, or whenever it airs here.
-Just so long as I don't see spoilers!
-Oh yes, back to Agatha Christie: can you imagine that?
-If I were her, I don't think I'd be able to write a romance novel without thinking of ways to kill off a character or two.
-Maybe she did think of that while she wrote.
-And I thought the first movie was intense. Can't wait for the sequel!
-And seeing as we're on the subject of movies... Here's another I possibly would see.
-I just had a deja vu where Anna Karenina was a musical.
-Or was it Android Karenina?
-Either a deja vu or a genius idea in the making.
-Or a vision from another reality?
-I wish!

And for your weird video of the day, I present to you a number from the Peter Pan Musical. Perhaps you watched it as a kid--I used to watch it all the time--and now it just makes me laugh because it's ridiculous.

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