Thursday, June 4, 2009

Holy cow!

(This will have to be brief, I'm afraid)
It's June! Whoa! Almost summertime! Longer days, warmer nights, more sun, and more iced cappuccinos. 

So, I'm no further in my packing for my trip than I was when I made my last post. Tonight I was feeling tired, so I had two cups of tea and now I'm feeling perky and ready to continue my packing. One thing that worries me is packing more than I need to; I'm so used to packing up most of my clothes to take to and from school, which takes up much of my suitcase, but I only need a few tops! Big yikes if I find items that I just may want to bring home. The other day I got myself two brand spanking new pairs of capris', which I love! They are comfy and they look great.

I tried a new ice cream today, from Breyer's called banana cream pie. It wasn't too bad; for a banana flavour it was pretty good, though rather plain except for the graham cracker swirl. I'd prefer some with chocolate flakes in it. And in a sugar cone. However, all of these flavours sound lovely. (Why am I discussing ice cream right now? WHY???)

I also came across a cute clip from Malcom in the Middle, featuring the late great Bea Arthur in it. I never really knew much of her, except for Golden Girls, at least until she passed last month. After viewing/reading up on her, I came to see what an incredible woman she was, and so funny! I wish I knew about her years ago so I could appreciate how wonderful she was when she was alive...

Ok! Back to packing! I may or may not have time to post tomorrow, but if not, enjoy these first few weeks of June, and I'll catch up when I'm back! Ciao!!

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