Wednesday, March 3, 2010

In like a lamb, and out like a...

Hello, hello; back from reading week! I was mostly at home working on a paper (ho-hum), but that didn't entirely stop me from venturing outside. On the first Sunday back, I went to see the new Little House on the Prairie musical, with Melissa Gilbert (the original Laura from the tv show!), and it was cute.

Image from the Examiner: this pic and more of the play can be seen here
Generally aimed at younger kids, but still good. However, we (my parents and I) discovered that someone else was filling in for Melissa Gilbert that day! Bah. It would have been interesting to hear her sing, but her understudy was quite good. Having said that, seeing the play kind of made me want to get back in touch with my Little House books.

Then on the same day, my Dad and I saw two classic rock gods perform: Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck! It was a pretty good show, and both guys were quite at ease in their performances, which was nice. I may even go as far as saying that Beck kind of outdid Clapton? The only downer about the show was the seat mix up; shortly after Clapton got on stage, these people snuck in saying that we were sitting in their seats. We checked out their tickets, and sure enough they were right. So we went to find our other seats, but alas, could not find them. Standing wasn't bad at all--we could still see them, plus there was a big screen to help us out. But still... What a pain! Word to the wise: If you come to a concert after the opener and find someone in your seat, at least come while the big band is setting up, and not in the middle of the first song. Then at least the person(s) sitting in your seat can hurry off and find his/her right seat without fumbling around in the darkened stands. Zeesh.

It managed to snow while I was home. So nicely, in fact, it could have been Narnia. Oh yes. Here in Halifax, on the other hand, no snow outside, and it's not that bad.

I managed to be home for the last couple of days my pooch Beau had a cone around his head; he had stitches over his eye, so he was wearing the cone so he wouldn't scratch.

On the right is Sandy, Beau is on the left (in an earlier photo, clearly). Imagine him with a lampshade around his head, and you get a pitifully cute dog. He kept banging into the walls, which was kind of funny.

Ahh, the Winter Olympics have come to end, and now it's back to less interesting things on television. My goodness, those two weeks certainly flew by! I have to say I'm pretty pleased with Canada's end results.

Loved loved loved the skating!

Really, all of them were incredible; it makes me wish I could skate like that. And oh, that hockey game... But I really didn't find the closing ceremonies as great as the opening. Sure, they were going for the whole stereotypical "Canadian, eh?" thing, but some parts kind of made me cringe (such as inflated beavers and mounties). Um--sorry, world?

Well, I believe that's all for now. New recipes coming soon, and have a great rest of week!

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

I definitely recommend the novel. A summer read wouldn't be a bad choice, though it's more harsh like winter. (That sounded better in my head, I promise.)

No, no, I have read The Lovely Bones. How intriguing! I had picked out the particular excerpt from 'The Cather in the Rye' because it dealt with gasoline rainbows and I read it literally the day after I saw my first gasoline rainbow in the street during gym class. Coincidence? I dunno.

Anyway, I hope you're well.

P.S. That Mens Olympic final hockey game? Intense. Too bad my country lost. Sob!

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