Monday, December 6, 2010

Prodigal Blogger returns

Image from here, via we heart it

Hello all. It's been awhile. All of two weeks, actually. Apologies for going all cold turkey, it's been a crazy month (as some of you can probably relate to), with lots of stress, sweat and tears... No, really. (At least there wasn't any blood.)

Anyway, for a while I've also been having my doubts about this blog, thinking maybe it's not the best time for me to be keeping this up. That or, I don't really know where I'm going with it. I've always been a wishy-washy person, so my mind swings back and forth as to what I want to do, frequently. This blog sums up the way my mind works. I'll probably keep this baby going for a while longer, see where it takes me--or rather, I take it. And then maybe in the next while, start afresh with another something--possibly on something new, and from an entirely different angle! (Whooaa) But who knows. Have said all this, shall I tally up the previous month for me in a list? ok!
-3000+word essay (finished today!)
-Seminar presentations
-Christmas extravaganzas with the housemates
-baking (lots)
-cookies (lots)
-HP & the Deathly Hallows (pretty good!)
-onion soup
-Anything carbs
-Rain (constantly)
-Lack of sleep
-Liberte yogurt--my first buy was cherry and I practically passed out from its amazing-ness
-ice cream sandwiches.
-Frequent Jezebel visits.
-Sporcle (especially on lunchbreaks)
-And possibly the odd Starbucks holiday drink. Image from here

As you can see, most of it is food related, but that's exactly how we have to get by in this stressful work overload period. My housemates and I like our food. This week: three exams to go, and home again in a week. Whooo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


weheartit was my go-to site last week while Tumblr was down forever.

Glad to see that you've gotten back to blogging somewhat regularly! :D

I love make lists! Perhaps you should invest in a listography, or even cheaper (well, I mean it's free), make an account on their site.
- Let the Christmas extravaganzas begin! I've already broken out the holiday pajamas. So warm and cozy and nubby!
- I think baking and cookies (or, for your sake, cookehs) go hand in hand. I can't wait for the holiday cookie exchange! When should we start on that!?
- I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream sandwiches!

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