Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Rhubarb-Apple Crisp

The artsy thing I usually do is take a fancy picture of the dessert by itself on a plate in a half attempt at food photography, but I only remembered to do so after I ate mine (with whipped cream. Always. Though of course it is just as tasty without). Instead, I leave you with a full view of the baking dish, with the a scoop taken out of it. Not so artsy--le sigh.

Why, it's a new recipe at last! And a crisp one, no doubt. More often than not, when I bake, I tend to put my own spin on whatever it is I make. Meaning, I don't exactly follow it to a tee' (usually combining different recipes together). For this crisp I made on the weekend, I followed this recipe, but as I didn't have enough rhubarb to make six cups, I just added chopped granny smith apple (about two apples worth) to fill however many cups I needed. I also made it with quick cooking oats rather than rolled, which I found didn't make too much of a difference from its counterpart. But just in case, I just let it bake for 40 minutes.

And it worked! In a food critique-y way so to speak, it made for an excellent tart/sweet combo. Not to mention I loooove the crunchy topping that goes on top. On any crisp, for that matter. I've never baked with rhubarb before; a family friend gave us a bunch of it, so I decided to put it to good use. And good use it was.

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