Friday, May 6, 2011

You give me Friday, I give you my Thoughts

From Here

From here

-"The Doctor seems reluctant to discuss his medical experiences." "Well, medically, my experiences have been most unexciting. Except during the flu epidemic." "Ah, and what happened?" "I got the flu".
-Groucho Marx, from A Day at the Races.
-I never realized how funny the Marx Brothers actually are.
-According to IMDB, after Groucho's death his kids found a gag letter written him stating that he wanted to be buried on top of Marilyn Monroe.
-That made me laugh. A lot.
-My gramps, the corn-ball he was, used to have a disguise toy of fake glasses with a big nose (and possibly a mustache, but it must have come off) modeled off Groucho Marx.
-I never knew who it was based off of, of course, but it was a lot of fun to wear.
-Although the nose sort of stank.
-If I ever come across this (and I did at one point), I will definitely get it in my gramps and Groucho's honour!
-The Royal Wedding was a week ago, and it feels so faraway with all the news that has made headlines this week.
-I wonder what miss Kate (or Catherine, if you like to be formal) is up to a week later and married?
-Speaking of news (relative to Canada, that is), what in the heck was up with the election results??!!
-I am not normally one to express my views on politics here, but I will do it with as much discretion as possible and say CANADA, SERIOUSLY; WAKE UP AND SMELL THE TIM HORTONS COFFEE.
-Weather forecast: cool, with a chance of showers.
-Pool opened the other day, but I probably won't be swimming until June.
-Yesterday I was sitting on the porch with my camera in hand, and a dove was nearby on the ground. The doves are not really timid because they know who hands out the birdseed (that being my Mom), but one flew onto the edge of the birdbath and was willing to pose for me.
-Naturally, I took a snapshot.
-The outcome was not too bad at all.
-I would have rather gotten a picture of a cardinal on the bird feeder because they're more striking, but no such luck.
-I should be a bird photographer.
-The doves like our porch.
-My Mom doesn't like it that they like our porch because they have a tendency to poop everywhere, including on the chairs.
-What a great segue to lead into the subject of Mothers Day this weekend!
-I'd say breakfast in bed is a possibility for her, along with a special present or two.
-Now it's raining.

Have a lovely weekend! Be sure to treat Mom like a Queen!
From here

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