Friday, September 23, 2011

Thoughts on the first Friday of Fall

-First day of fall and it rains, whereas yesterday, it was sunny and overall gorgeous.
-Well played Mother Nature, well played indeed.
-At least the leaves are changing colour.
-Tom Selleck, and your stache' rock.
-Maybe I should have saved that for Movember... Oh well--I'll bring it back when the times comes.
-I watched some of the new Charlie's Angels series last night...
-And liked it.
-Sure, it's not the 70s version (which I've never really seen), but I'm intrigued none the less.
-My mom won't be watching it, that's for sure!
-I'm also looking forward to DW tomorrow night; I think it'll be good.
-I'm liking this Doctor more and more.
-"I like bow ties, bow ties are cool."
-"I like bananas, bananas are good."
-I can see where he picked that up.
-Also rather sorry to say farewell to Amy and Rory... But more so Rory, cuz he's cute.
-I wonder what would happen if Amy Pond and Jack Harkness ever met.
-A meltdown, that's what. I think it would go a little something like this:
JH: Hello
Amy: Hello.
JH: Captain Jack Harkness, and who are you??
A: Amy Pond. 
Doctor: (rolls eyes) Oh, here we go....
JH: Lovely to meet you Amy Pond! 
D: Stop it!
Rory: Who is that, and why is he flirting with my wife?!
JH: I was only saying hello!
A: I definitely don't mind...
D: Pond and Harkness! As if one flirt wasn't bad enough!

-There could probably be better dialogue for that situation, but I think Amy and Jack together would be on fiyaaah.   
-Just the other day, I was helping clean our pool's solar blanket cover, and putting it up to dry over our clothes line.
-It made a pretty sweet canopy, and I thought if I were six years old, I'd be taking full advantage of pretending that was a house or a tent, and was hiding from something big and bad on the outside.
-I'm almost 22, and yet I still think like a six year old.
-Just goes to show that my inner child is still alive and kicking.

Now think up a scenario for this picture. Go!
From here

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