Friday, October 28, 2011

(Deep) Thoughts on a Friday to carry me into the weekend

From here
-Ahh, what a beautiful day.
-Kind of cold, but pleasant never the less.
-Come on, it's October! We're not ready for winter yet!
-It's too quiet around here.
-I wonder if 200 years from now, people will have forgotten to write.
-Typing everything will be the norm?
-Ok, maybe not 200 years, I'll give it 1000 years from now.
-When we've used up all our trees.
-Yikes, I can't even imagine things 1000 years from now.
-If we're still existing then.
-In 1000 years, people will be thinking "Justin Bieber? Who was he???"
-1000 years prior will be as foreign sounding to them as 1000 years ago (and ahead) is to us.
-They might even think we were one up from primates!
-Damn you, snotty generations of the 3000s.
-"You're about as useful as a poopy-flavoured lollipop!"
-I honestly don't know where that came from.
-There ends my train of deep thought.
-I think my next Halloween costume should be Star Wars based.
-Like a Jawa, then I would freak others out.
-I suppose Chewy would do the trick too, but I don't really want to walk around in a hairy suit.
-I once had a friend who had the yawn of a wookie.
-My sole purpose in life is to disturb others.
-It's been forever since I've seen the Star Wars saga.
-That's what probably started me rolling on life in the future.
-Danke schoen, darling danke schoen.
-Oh my god, I always thought that was sung by a woman.
-If you read that just now, hahahaha surprise!!
-I'm ready for that candy.
Have a fun, fun weekend!
Now, now Casper...

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