Friday, November 25, 2011

Friday Gold


-My creative title for the day.
-I love the colours in the picture.
-I typed Philip Glass into we heart it, and this is what came up.
-Good enough.
-My mind feels a bit vacant.
-And my computer is halfway down in the battery power.
-I hate commercials on youtube.
-Blood sucking lawyers!
-Yes, that's what they are.
-I love how the word meow works in different languages.
-German: miau! 
-Swedish: Mjau! 
-Dog imitations are even better.
-In French: Ouah! Ouah!
-In Dutch: Woef!
-Don't even get me started on the duck sounds
-Kvaak, Kvaak.
-Oh, languages.
-It's another one of those clips that have been circulating in my head randomly for years on end since I saw that movie.
-Amazing I even managed to find it.
-Another amazing thing I found from my childhood, for you Canadian bambinos out there who may remember (and possibly Northern American babes, if you happened to get a tv station called YTV).
-Gon' to town!
-But not really.
-I'm sorry I was wack.
-But not really.
-I can't believe it, I'm losing to a rug.
-I think I'm going to look back on this particular post and cringe.
-Then again, my mind is pretty devoid of serious content at the moment.
-However, the music I have made magically appear below is not of silly content. In fact, it's rather nice!
-And that is how I will conclude for the day.




Anonymous said...

Ha, it's so weird that different languages have different ways to write out animal noises. You would think that it'd all be universal. Hmm.

Have a marvelous Sunday, Maddie! <3

Anonymous said...

Ha, it's so weird that different languages have different ways to write out animal noises. You would think that it'd all be universal. Hmm.

Have a marvelous Sunday, Maddie! <3

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