Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Songs that Remind Me

From here
Over the past four years of university especially, there are a few songs that are reminders of particular moments of where I was and what I was doing at the time. They were the songs I worked to at my desk, to drown out noisy neighbors, and to relax myself at night when the thoughts of work and tests kept me awake. I would associate them with the seasons, and what I was obsessed with at the time. Ahh, memories!

1. The Painted Veil Soundtrack. Listened it during my first year, and especially adored this track.
2. Dreaming of You, by the Corals. It reminds me of March (first year again), for some reason. And this commercial, which I actually like better than the original.
3. Lily Allen. When I think of LDN I think of spring, and the end of exams. And funny enough, The Fear reminds me of the end of my second year!
4. Philip Glass. I can't get enough of his music! The Hours, Metamorphasis, Glassworks. Minimalist perfection! Once you hear his music, there's no turning back.
5. Rain. And thunder. Perfect for drowning out the stupid noisy neighbors above.
6. The Beatles. But that's a given.
7. This is gonna be a bit weird, but Goodbye Lenin. Reasons unknown. I just liked it. At 5:00 in the morning once I was finishing up a death essay, and I played this song as I concluded it. It made me feel... Triumphant. (And I gave the movie three stars)
8. Mika. I listened to this often, and I danced to this for a ballet performance once.
9. This song will forever remind me of Lost, even though I heard it long before university.
10. Ella Fitzgerald. Usually while walking or on the bus.
11. Jesus Christ Superstar. Another... Odd late night work song.

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