Friday, April 20, 2012

Thoughts on a Friday

-Earth Day!
-My my, this is what I was thinking nearly a year ago today.
-And it was Earth Day that Friday, too.
-Time does fly.
-Earth Day should be everyday.
-War Horse.
-Finally saw the movie version last Sunday, and it was so lovely and moving.
-Makes me want my own horse.
-And to live on a farm.
-But it also made me think of WW1, and what both men and horses had to go through.
-So I hear the Doctor Who cast currently shooting in NY.
-Or was, as of last week.
-That stirs up the butterflies in my gut because they are so close, and yet so far!
-I need my Doctor Who fix.
-I also need to visit New York again.
-I guess I'll have to tide it over with... Downton Abbey.
-And I'd thought I could never get into that show.
-It's like a drug.
-Well, not really.
-"My own personal brand of heroine".
-Oh no, not that line again.
-Aside from it's lovely costumes and setting, what the heck is its appeal???
-My guess would be the men on the show.
-Bought my first ever red lipstick!
-How pleased I am.
-I've never worn red (lipstick) before.
-A donut would be loverly right now.
-I need to catch up on Mad Men.
-A sleepy pup lays at my feet. And he's dreaming.
-Why do perfume commercials have to be so... Bad?

From here and here

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