Thursday, August 16, 2012

10 things I'm loving this August

I can't believe we've already breached August. Summer, it would seem, is on the decline... But not yet!  Suddenly, like an aged rock star, it returns back for a final encore. Or two, or three. (Now where have I heard that simile before?) 
And of course, it still has many wonderful things to offer before the leaves start changing. Here are my top eleven things I'm loving this August:

Golden girl!

1. OLYMPICS. And even though they're over and we're back to crappy television and I'm sad, they were a lot of fun to watch. And Britain, you are every definition of cool. (Sorry Canada.

2. Peaches. Where there's a basket full of peaches there's a basket full of possibilities. (hint hint: peach banana smoothie)

3. Hello Giggles. Ok, I knew Zooey Dechanel had a youtube account to this name, but did not know it was an actual site... Looks interesting. And may possibly become my new Jezebel. Found through this article, in fact.

4. I've never even watched Eastenders, but I'm adding the final lines to my stash of quotes worth repeating the rest of my life.

5. Food blogging! Obsession with food at its finest.

6. Citrus Verbena perfume. I learned recently that perfume is really about being in tune with the chemistry of your body. If that's the case, then I'll be content smelling like lemon the rest of my life.

7. The CNE. Whenever I get the opportunity to go there (like last summer), it feels like nothing has changed a bit. Where else can you go where it's ok to eat extremely fatty foods, go on rides (then get sick from having eaten said fatty foods), visit farm animals, and see live shows all in the same place? 

8. After the heat and humidity of august, wacky mid-day thunder showers are a dream come true. The sky clouds over in five seconds, then rain comes plummeting down along with thunder/lightening, and you have to dive for all of your items in one swift handful before they getting sopping wet. All before it ends in another five minutes. Ahh, summer rain.

9. Smoothies. My favourite is peach banana (see above).

10. Lemon Cake. Now I just really want to try making it.

11. Driving. It's been almost a year now since I began practicing in my Dad's standard Jetta (and more recently, the automatic), and it's almost time for me to get my license. My *actual* license. I've stalled plenty of times, forgot to look over my shoulder before changing lanes, cut corners... What a wild ride indeed! But finally, I've gotten over most of those issues and am ready to accomplish the inevitable. This sums up my experience.

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